Haryana Roadways Bus Pass All Details

Haryana Roadways Bus Pass Different types of bus passes have been made in Haryana Roadways, different types of people have different bus passes inside Haryana and there are many rules inside the Haryana roadways, according to those rules the bus pass will be valid. New portal has been released to make

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Haryana Roadways

Haryana Roadways Old Age Bus Pass

Within Haryana, senior citizens are charged half the fare in ordinary buses i.e. Haryana Roadways Shakti buses, but some conditions have been kept for which only senior citizens of Haryana will be exempted and this exemption will be available when the age of the woman is 60. It is necessary to have any proof of date of birth and it is necessary to have any proof of date of birth and by the way 50% discount has been given to the men of Haryana in the fare, the same rule applies to men also while traveling proof of date of birth Needed

Bus pass for 60 year old in Haryana Roadways

Inside Haryana Roadways, elderly men were exempted from half the fare after 65 years, but now the men who have completed 60 years of age can also take 50% discount on the fare, let us know how to get this discount. Between the age of 60 and 65, they have to get the bus pass made from the official website of Haryana Roadways, only after that they will get 50% discount in the fare while traveling inside the bus in Haryana Roadways and that too while traveling they will carry the bus pass with them. Will have to keep the conductor and will have to show on the demand of checking, only then you will get discount in half the fare.

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Free Bus Pass Facility For Girls

The Haryana government has given free bus pass facility to the girl students of Haryana, this facility was started by Haryana Roadways in 2017. Since then in Haryana, bus passes for girls are made free of cost for college and school students every 6 months. But this bus pass must be carried by the student while traveling and must be shown to the conductor and checking staff on demand. Haryana roadways bus pass for girl students inside Haryana can be made only inside Haryana and can be made from 60 km to 150 km of Haryana from 2017 till now since Haryana Roadways has given the facility of free bus pass to the students Since then, there has been an increase in the education of girls, due to which the slogan of ‘Beti Padhao Beti Bachao’ has also been encouraged.

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Free Travel Facility for Handicapped in Haryana Roadways

Disabled are being given free travel facility in Haryana Roadways buses.
Disabled person who is 100% disabled inside Haryana Roadways and is also a resident of Haryana, Haryana Roadways has facilitated free travel with bus pass. Along with which a helper can also travel free of cost but for this the disabled person should have 100% disabled bus pass. Only Haryana residents can take this facility and this facility will also be given in other states of Haryana, but that bus pass will not be valid in other state buses, only in Haryana Roadways buses, the bus pass will be valid only on the demand of conductor and checking staff. Must show pass.

Free travel facility to blind persons inside Haryana Roadways

Haryana Roadways has given the facility of bus pass to many unique people, blind people have also been included in them, but for that blind people of Haryana will have to apply for bus pass through medical examination. A blind person can travel free of cost in Haryana Roadways buses only when the bus pass is made available. Whether he is blind by birth or by any reason later, just nearby is valid either way.

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Free Travel Facility For Women and Children up to 15 Years on Raksha Bandhan

Women are given free travel facility on the festival of Raksha Bandhan inside Haryana Roadways. Every year before Raksha Bandhan, Haryana Roadways provides free travel facility to women. Free travel facility is given every year, which is announced two days before, in which it starts from 12 noon a day before Raksha Bandhan. Next This facility is given absolutely free till 12 o’clock in the night, for which there is no need to make any free bus pass and children up to 15 years of age can also travel free along with women. Can celebrate Raksha Bandhan by going to

Passengers Traveling Free in Haryana Roadways

Haryana Roadways provides free travel facility to many people and some get 50% discount on fare. has the facility of free travel in Haryana Roadways buses and the widow freedom fighter has also been given the facility of free travel. Apart from this, press people are also given free facility, but press people get limited kilometer facility and in Haryana, children between 3 years to 12 years and elders above 60 years have been given the facility of half fare. Many unique people have also been given the facility of free travel.

Author Sunil Rajput

नमस्कार दोस्तों मेरा नाम सुनील कुमार है. मैं इस वेबसाइट की एडमिन टीम से हूँ. और बतौर कंटेंट राइटर भी कार्य करता हूँ. मैंने इससे पहले खबरी एक्सप्रेस और पंजाब केसरी में अपनी सेवाएं बतौर कंटेंट राइटर दी है. मेरा मुख्य उद्देशय आप सभी को हरियाणा रोडवेज बसों से जुडी जानकारी प्रदान करना है.


  1. मैं हरियाणा का निवासी हूं और 65 परसेंट दिव्यांग हूं तो मुझे बस में छूट कब मिलेगी कम से कम जो व्यक्ति 60 परसेंट से ज्यादा विकलांग है उनको बस में फ्री ट्रैवलिंग की सुविधा मिलनी चाहिए मेरी आपसे हाथ 🙏🙏 जोड़कर प्रार्थना है कि सभी विकलांग आदमियों को जो 60 परसेंट से अधिक विकलांग है उनको बस में फ्री सुविधा मिलनी चाहिए

  2. मैं एक 100% physical challange parson हू
    मेरा फ्री बस ट्रेवल पास बना हुआ है, लेकिन मैं एक दिन haryana roadways मैं दिल्ली से उत्तराखंड कुछ काम आया तो कन्डक्टर ने मुझे टिकट के लिए बोल तो मने अपना बस पास दिखाया उसने वो पास देख कर, मुझे वापिस कर दिया और बोला कि यह पास only हरियाणा में ही valid है….
    Please Sir मुझे यह बात बताओं की अगर हम कसे दूसरे स्टेट मैं हरियाणा Roadways bus में फ्री ट्रेवल होना चाय या नहीं…………


    दिव्यांगों को हरियाणा रोडवेज की बसों में मुफ्त यात्रा की सुविधा दी जा रही है।
    हरियाणा रोडवेज के अंदर जो विकलांग व्यक्ति 100% विकलांग है और वह भी हरियाणा का निवासी है, उसके लिए हरियाणा रोडवेज ने बस पास के साथ मुफ्त यात्रा की सुविधा दी है। जिसके साथ एक सहायक भी निःशुल्क यात्रा कर सकता है लेकिन इसके लिए दिव्यांग व्यक्ति के पास 100 प्रतिशत दिव्यांग बस पास होना चाहिए। यह सुविधा केवल हरियाणा निवासी ही ले सकते हैं और यह सुविधा हरियाणा के अन्य राज्यों में भी दी जाएगी, लेकिन वह बस पास अन्य राज्य की बसों में मान्य नहीं होगा, केवल हरियाणा रोडवेज की बसों में ही बस पास मांगने पर ही मान्य होगा। कंडक्टर और चेकिंग स्टाफ। पास दिखाना होगा.

  4. में सिरसा से डबवाली के बीच में ट्रेवल कर रहा था।
    जब बस सिरसा बस स्टैंड पर लगी तो में बस में बैठ गया मेरे पास स्टूडेंट बस पास था जो मेने 4800 रुपए देकर बनाया था हम काफी students थे but कंडक्टर ने हमे हमारी सीट से उठा दिया कहा स्टूडेंट्स पास के लिए सीट नही होती। क्या ये सही है students ke lye haryana roadways में सीट नही होती? क्या उन्हे कभी भी सीट से उठाया जा सकता है।

  5. हरियाणा रोडवेज की बस में 60% दिव्यांग या उससे अधिक का फ्री बस पास बनाया जाए !एक बात समझ नही आती की 100% दिव्यांग आदमी अकेला बस में सफर कैसे कर लेगा ऊपर से हैंडीकैप की रिजर्व सीट भी नही मिलती! Rule 60% se shuru kiye जाए

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