Bhiwani to Yamunanagar Bus Time Table
Presently only one bus is being operated from Bhiwani Depot to Yamuna Nagar whose time table is given below.

Bhiwani to Yamuna Nagar Bus Time Table Via Rohtak , Panipat
Bhiwani to Yamuna Nagar Bus Time Table
Bhiwani to Yamuna Nagar Distance – KM – 230
Bhiwani to Yamuna Nagar Fare – 250
Bhiwani to Yamuna Nagar Bus Time Table
Bus No. | Bus Departure Time | Route | Via | Bus Type |
1 | 07:30 A.M | Yamuna Nagar to Bhiwani | Rohtak, Panipat , Karnal , | Haryana Roadways Ordinary Bus |
2 | ||||
3 | ||||
Yamuna Nagar To Bhiwani Bus Time Table
The same bus returns from Yamuna Nagar to Bhiwani, whose timings are also given below.
Bus No. | Bus Departure Time | Route | Via | Bus Type |
1 | 1:40 P.M | Bhiwani to Yamuna Nagar | Karnal , Panipat , Rohtak | Haryana Roadways Ordinary Bus |
2 | ||||
3 | ||||
Haryana State Transport timings are subject to change so please call the bus stand inquiry number once before reaching your destination.
If there is any change in the timing, our site will not be responsible for it, thank you