Haryana Roadways Bhiwani to Dabwali Bus Time Table
There is a direct bus service of Haryana Roadways from Bhiwani to Dabwali , at present the time table of One buses is given below, further if any update comes from the department, you will be updated on Haryanaroadwayswebsite.com.
Bhiwani to Dabwali Bus Time Table
Bhiwani to Dabwali Distance – KM
Bhiwani to Dabwali Fare-
Hariyana Roadways Bhiwani to Dabwali Bus
Bhiwani to Dabwali Bus Time Table Via Hisar
Only one bus runs from Bhiwani to Dabwali whose table and via is given below
Bus No. | Bus Departure Time | Route | Via | Bus Type |
1 | 7:24 AM | Bhiwani to Dabwali | Hansi , Hisar,Fatehabad,Sirsa | Haryana Roadways Ordinary Bus |
2 | ||||
Bhiwani Bus Stand Enquiry Number 01664-242230
Many buses are being run by Bhiwani Depot on Hisar route but for Dabwali the rotation which was stopped for a long time has been resumed.
Haryana State Transport timings are subject to change so please call the bus stand inquiry number once before reaching your destination.
If there is any change in the timing, our site will not be responsible for it, thank you