Delhi ISBT to Bhiwani Haryana roadways Bus Time Table

Bhiwani : Many buses run from Delhi ISBT to Bhiwani and Pilani, which starts at 4 am and continues to run at short intervals throughout the day till 9 am, today we will give you the time table of all these buses. going to tell about

If you also live or have come to Delhi and you have to go to Bhiwani, Pilani, or Rajasthan Churu, then this post will tell you the time table of all the buses going from Delhi to Bhiwani and Rajasthan through this post, so let’s know these all about time

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Delhi to Bhiwani first bus time

The first bus from Delhi ISBT to Bhiwani arrives at Bhiwani via Rohtak at 4:00 am, which will reach Bhiwani after about 3 hours at around 7:00 am, whose fare will also be simple, the distance from Delhi to Bhiwani is 137 KM. 140 per passenger per kilometer, due to less traffic in the morning, many passengers travel by this bus because the time taken to reach Bhiwani in this bus is less than 3 hours.

Delhi ISBT to Bhiwani, Pilani ,Jhunjhunu , Churu Bus Service’s and time table

  • The 2nd bus from Delhi ISBT to Bhiwani will leave at 4:30 am, it will also go via Rohtak till Bhiwani.
  • The third bus starts at 5 am from Delhi ISBT and reaches Bhiwani around 8 am via Rohtak. This bus also belongs to Bhiwani depot.
  • 4th bus leaves Delhi ISBT at 5:40 am via Rohtak, via Bhiwani and reaches Pilani by around 10:45 am. This bus also belongs to Bhiwani depot.
  • The first bus from delhi isbt to jhunjhunu leaves at 6:05 am and this bus reaches jhunjhunu around 12:00 am via rohtak, bhiwani, pilani
  • At 6:25 am Charkhi Dadri Depot bus leaves from Delhi ISBT which goes to Pilani. This bus will also reach Pilani via Rohtak, Bhiwani, Loharu.
  • The bus from Delhi to Charkhi Dadri Depot will reach Jhunjhunu via Rohtak, Bhiwani, Loharu, Pilani at 6:55 am.
  • At 8:34 in the morning, the bus from Bhiwani Depot goes to Jhunjhunu, which leaves at 8:25 in the morning and reaches Jhunjhunu by 2:30.
  • After this, Bhiwani Depot bus leaves for Bhiwani only at 8:42 and reaches Bhiwani by 12:30.
  • Bhiwani Tosham Sub Depot bus leaves for Delhi ISBT Tosham at 9:28 which reaches Tosham in 5 hours
  • The bus from Bhiwani Depot leaves for Churu at 10:03 AM which reaches Churu by around 7 AM via Rohtak, Bhiwani, Loharu, Pilani, Jhunjhunu. Rohtak to Churu departure time is given as 12:16 but due to traffic Due to this the timings keep changing and the departure time for Churu has been given at 13:44.
  • After Delhi Churu, the bus timing of Tosham Sub Depot is 10:56, in between it is the timing of private bus, this bus is of Bhiwani Sub Depot and goes till Tosham.
  • The bus from Charkhi Dadri Depot goes to Loharu via Bhiwani, whose timing is given at 11:37, which reaches Loharu by 5:30 in the evening.
  • At 12:10 PM is the bus time of Bhiwani Depot which goes only till Bhiwani, it also goes to Bhiwani via Rohtak.
  • At 13:02 PM, the bus of Bhiwani Depot has been given the time to run from Delhi ISBT, this bus also goes to Bhiwani.
  • Only after this another bus leaves for Bhiwani from Bhiwani Depot at 13:20 which reaches Bhiwani by 5:30 in the evening
  • At 13:35 the bus from Sub Depot Tosham reaches Bhiwani Tosham via Rohtak and takes about 6 minutes to reach Tosham.
  • Bus from Delhi to Jhunjhunu leaves at 14:10 from ISBT counter no.42 via Rohtak Bhiwani, Loharu, Pilani, reaches Jhunjhunu by around 9:30
  • At 14:38 Bhiwani Depot bus leaves Delhi isbt for Bhiwani and reaches Bhiwani at around 7am
  • At 15:00 the bus from Bhiwani Depot leaves for Bhiwani only and this bus reaches Bhiwani by 7:30 pm
  • At 15:58, Haryana Roadways Bhiwani Depot bus leaves from Delhi ISBT to Pilani, which goes to Pilani via Rohtak Bhiwani.
  • At 16:20 the bus from Bhiwani Depot leaves for Bhiwani and reaches Bhiwani by 8:30
  • At 16:58 the bus from Charkhi Dadri Bus Depot leaves for Pilani. This bus goes to Pilani via Rohtak Bhiwani, whose timing at Bhiwani is 8:30.
  • 17:30 Bus from Bhiwani Depot leaves Delhi for Bhiwani
  • 17:50 Bus from Bhiwani Depot leaves Delhi for Bhiwani
  • 19:10 Bus from Bhiwani Depot leaves Delhi for Bhiwani
  • 20:30 Bus from Bhiwani Depot leaves Delhi for Bhiwani
  • The timing of the last bus from Delhi ISBT to Bhiwani is 9:15, at present this service is operational which was closed for a long time.
See also  Haryana Roadways : Gurugram To Jind Bus Time Table

Delhi ISBT Bus Stand Enquiry Number

Delhi to Chandigrh Bus time table

Author Sunil Rajput

नमस्कार दोस्तों मेरा नाम सुनील कुमार है. मैं इस वेबसाइट की एडमिन टीम से हूँ. और बतौर कंटेंट राइटर भी कार्य करता हूँ. मैंने इससे पहले खबरी एक्सप्रेस और पंजाब केसरी में अपनी सेवाएं बतौर कंटेंट राइटर दी है. मेरा मुख्य उद्देशय आप सभी को हरियाणा रोडवेज बसों से जुडी जानकारी प्रदान करना है.

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